Press Release v2020.1 - Lumiscaphe

Press release

Bordeaux, the 04th of March, 2020

Lumiscaphe announces the release of version 2020.1 of its Software Suite

Version 2020.1 of Lumiscaphe software is available from March 4, 2020. This release answers to customer expectations by being largely focused on improving the UX of the software. But also by offering new tools that save time and facilitate certain tasks. 

Patchwork 3D, authoring software, is the one with the most improvements. 

The software’s flagship new feature is the stitching workshop, allowing to model geometry strips directly in Patchwork 3D. The ability to interactively create stitching paths and view the result in real-time is a considerable time saver for Color and Material Designers. Who no longer have to model them on their CAD model. 

This feature, coupled with the unfolding workshop, makes working on flexible materials simple and efficient. 

In terms of UX, one of the improvements is the possibility to have several 3D view windows open on several screens. This improvement allows the user to observe the modifications made on Shaper (where most of the technical configurations are made) in real-time in Matter (photorealistic 3D view). 

The ability to select lit surfaces (or not) from the selection menu, the improvement of the OpenGL rendering of AxF materials, the addition of specific layers to the OpenGL rendering… Are all improvements that enrich the overall user experience. 

The 2020.1 release of Accel VR, an immersive visualization software, focuses on improving collaborative work, and thus virtual reality project review. A new feature allows for a manual configuration of a network configuration to enable teamwork regardless of the location of the collaborators.

All the new features can be found on the website.

Press Contact

Lionel Mazière
Marketing & Communication Manager, Lumiscaphe

About Lumiscaphe

Lumiscaphe is Editor and Integrator of software solutions in the field of Digital Aspect Mockup (DAM) and photorealistic real-time 3D rendering. These solutions allow (among others) cost and time savings, and create value for industries.

To learn more about Lumiscaphe, visit or follow us on LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.

Press release V2020.1.pdf